You act like it is lack of nerve ...
as if the only thing constraining the democrats is what is legally possible.
I find this a frustrating post. You focus on what is legislatively possible, but ignore the voter dynamics.
See here is the thing Jeff. They need to get voted into office. And not all citizens agree with dramatic cancellation of student debt, for example.
You give no credit to the Dems that they have spent more on climate than before. since it is not enough to solve the problem. But is the amount require to solve the problem would not be supported by the populace as a whole.
We live in a democracy. the only way one (should) get action to occur is to get majority support.
but there more that can still be done. There are a range of issue where the current sentiment is more liberal than our current laws.
We need to focus the national conversation in those areas, and then make modest progress as consensus allows.