Yes, of course this strikes at the root of the problem.
but those likely to benefit the MOST from your advice above are LEAST likely to heed it, or to even believe they would benefit from heeding it.
So I don't see how to make this actionable. (not pushing back, just don't see how)
The best "half idea" I have come up with is some kind of radical adjustment to the notion of free speech. I think humans in general are incapable of following your advice above (at least those in greatest need of that advice). Thus the best I can imagine is some kind of limits on the spread of info. Of course the worst autocracies the world over have used just such a pretext for wielding censorship as a weapon. So I am trying to understand if one could systematically analyze human reactions and veracity in a distributed was to ALGORITHMICALLY limit info flow. Not sure, very dangerous stuff.
but as you know, misinformation itself is very dangerous stuff.