Wow! The very considered response to my query is itself a blog posting. This is a sign of true passion, instead of medium revenue maximization ;-)
My job here is the easier one. I merely need to throw stones, you have the harder task of keep the house upright!
The prevent/coerce distinction is a very clean dichotomy so I see the appeal, but I am not sure it can hold…
I do agree that setting your prices at $18 vs. $999 is a form of coercion. Still consider, the government requiring me to wear pants in public is clearly coercion. Yet (at least in my case :-) most would agree this is a desirable form of coercion. Do you support this form of coercion?
You spoke about the wedding vaccination coercion. I agree it is a form of coercion. But consider, if I were to curse like a sailor and hit on every woman within 20 feet of me, I would very quick be dis-invited to nearly every social occasion I could imagine. Society very prescriptively and coercively is precluding such behaviors. do you not support societies right to do so?
This is a tough position to defend! (Still, I don’t think I have a competing theory that covers all cases!)