WOW RYAN! This is your post of the year! Very few people are able to be in favor of a position or candidate, but then see and accept the flaws in it. That is both great perceptiveness, and also great humility in thought.
There are multiple clear statements here about how the left's language and mindset is self defeating.
Do you want what is right?
Or do you want to be righteous?
The left is currently dominated by that latter. But it is not just to be righteous, but it is to spite and cut down 'those evil ones' The problem is the only way forward is to CHANGE those evil ways, but that require ACCEPTANCE from the very ones the left loathes.
So the left in its spite destroys any possibility of connection with those it must sway.
You are correct, most of the country is in favor of much of the left's agenda, yet it is packaged into a form that is toxic for a conservative.
If you can help the left to have a greater ability to see as a conservative sees, you will have done more to further the left's agenda than anything else you could possible do. (Not that I know how! ;-) )