Who the F---- are you do dictate to the Ukrainians which ideologies and alliances they might want to join.
Your entire article is written as if the will of the Ukrainian people should have no input or autonomy over this decision.
Both before and after the fall of the USSR, Russia proved it was very willing to militarily FORCE allegiance to Russia. So I am sure that countries like Poland see very strong reason why they should want to be part of NATO.
I am not the rah-rah America does no wrong type. but the way that America treats its allies is quite different. The Phillippines decided they did not way a US base on their land. We wanted it there, and I bet we put economic pressure on them to keep it there. But when that failed we did not use military might to force the issue.
I can imagine choosing NATO over Russia as the lesser of two evils. And why shouldn't they get to choose?