what a fun agenda... thanks Tim!
How about this one to add to the mix:
BAR (Beneficial Action Ratio) -- essentially this is a measure of the percentage of your activity which you personally assess as having intrinsic value.
Maybe this is a set of percentages which band your activities into one of several levels: from the highest levels of value down to those actions which have no value.
The idea it to get at INSTRINSIC value not situational value. For example everyday I spend 6 hours filling out these forms that go into a drawer where no one will ever read them again might have situational value (otherwise I will be fired), but no intrinsic value (but I know there is no point).
Notice is this very much a self assessment kind of number. Someone else might somehow feel the universe is more complete having that paperwork completed, and so could still be above the BAR, even knowing they are never read.
Also, for extra credit, I think you should edit the acryonms until they also convey an a vague sense of the underlying idea. I love the fact that work that really stinks will have high PU for example.
I think the endevour could really give folks some sign posts in their own lives... I really love this idea! .... makes me wanna work on it.