Very well argued, and I think accurate. But there is little evidence that the left has its finger anywhere near the pulse of the country. What is happening just makes no sense for them, but this means they can have little effect on what happens.
For me, I was clearly in the left camp. But I see that it has become so ineffective, it makes me wonder if I can have greater effect on my country, by trying to sway the thinking within the GOP to “steal” votes by bending towards some of the benefits I would want for the nation.
Essentially strengthen the GOP by introducing modest shifts left using language and approaches that are acceptable to its base. Not sure, but I hold no hope in the short run that the DEM ‘party of the “free”, and home of the illegal’ is anything except the perpetual minority party.
NOTE: I am not against most policies on the left. but I am from the midwest and I see how the language and approach around these parties are just political suicide.
Forget finding the pulse… forget it! this party cannot even find the ARM or the BODY of the majority of the electorate.
Very good article!