Very good thinking, but your words belie your true thinking. You describe conservative states as "leeches"
You answer the question of whether they ``deserve it'' as ``of course not.''
The issue of respect is so so so core to each human being. The fact is there is a large vein of patronizing and contempt of conservatives. They feel this, and reject it.
So you are very right in your approach. But it is going to require liberals to shift mindset to be able to really execute it.
It would be helpful to have a vibrant center left. Today we don't, we have a vibrant left-left. These leaves the right to be able to say, all the left want to break up all the companies, defund all police, etc. We don't have a strong center left that is loudly saying things that matter to the right.
It is sad, because if you polled Americans on issue by issue what policies they would want, the list would look center-left.
The issue is not about the issues, and getting them to "see what is right" On the issues we are agree more than not. The issue is about tribe and which one you support.... and liberals in their hearts don't support them, nor really care for their cares.
(of course conservatives to not suport liberals, nor really care for their cares either.)