Tools like Medium (and most of the internet) encourage thought bubbles. Most of your respondents here, and most of Medium are from the christianty==bad camp.
Of course many have valid points, etc., but still their focus on the bad with exclusion of the good is just the resonance of a bubble.
You can of course find different easier bubbles on the internet, but I encourage you not to do that. Even though it will feel thankless, you will have more effect swimming up stream here, than singing with the choir elsewhere.
Many publication here like belover are just anti-christian. But others like Koinonia are out there, you can find them, and there is a trickle of christian-positive stuff to be found.
BTW, dont succumb to click-bait titles like your anti-vaxx (which I saw and DIDNT click on) yes it works. but it damages the community.
ask yourself, what do you want? to have a big impact, or to have a positive impact?
.... and welcome !