The world over the left has ignored the strenuous objections of the right, as the left has gained greater sway in political outcomes.
This comes with a really nasty backlash, at a certain point a segment of the population feels so disenfranchised by the government, that it is ready to "burn the place down".
A wiser left would avoid getting labelled as they do, by rethorically supporting the top issues from the right. The moderate left does not agree with the severity of the issues, but many would agree with the issues themselves. (e.g. one needs to limit immigration.)
Most citizens agree with this statement, but only conservatives shout it from rooftops. The left could shout it too, it would mix their message and would alienate some on the left. but it would greatly blunt the backlash which sets them far far back.
this lesson seems lost everywhere in the world with predicatble consequences.