I should edit and amend my article to include a later stage where this enclave becomes an independent state, through free and fair elections.
My key contention is that presently Israel will never accept any plan that gives autonomy to a group that is not committed to Israel safety and has proven itself capable of ensuring this safety.
And I don't see how one can forge such a Nation from a population that has at least 50K members who are ready to die in order to take Israel out.
And frankly those Palestinians who feel that way have a right to feel that way. They can interpret history in order to justify their crusade, and we cannot tell them they are wrong. I think they are misguided and their mission is futile, but that is my opinion. They are entitled to theirs.
But there is no way to forge a peaceful neighbor with them as members. Thus I am looking for a path which gives INDIVIDUAL choice to each Gazan family about which nation they want to be part of. I think over time more will want to live in peace with Israel.
BUT tell me: Would Israel go for such a split? And if this tiny enclave started to grow, and remained committed to Israel security, would Israel spend the money to ensure it was a prosperous place to live?
How would one motivate Israel to attempt such an experiment? (Notice, even having such an enclave would be concrete proof that Israel did not hate Gazans, and are ready to be supportive is security is ensured.)