Steve, it is a bizarre twist that I would argue the other side of this, but I will. Not that I think I am really saying anything you have not already considered.
I don’t know if nearly all people are racist or not. Seems to me it comes down to your definition of racist. Science shows that nearly all of us (including me) do react to color in an asymmetric way. Is that racist? It depends on your definition. It seems some what to classify any difference in reaction which could yield a negative consequence for the receiver as racism. By that definition we are nearly or actually all racist.
You argue that you have not been oppressed as a Black man. I believe you, and I WISH more black people would stand up and say that. it would greatly help us, since it there are multiple dimensions at play here (both race and class). Still, we should not deny that some blacks really HAVE been tragically impacted. You should not generalize your experience to theirs.
You say, no race oriented solution; instead a NEEDS oriented solution. Yeah 100% on board with you there. Making it a race oriented solution just perpetuates that which we hope to eliminate! 100% agree. But I think it should be said out loud that the needs oriented support will differentially help African Americans since that group has disproportionate injustices put upon it as measured statistically.
> living Black is living hell.
I have the sense that this is notably over expressed within the Black community and under expressed by Whites. Even if we assume both groups have the best of intentions to be accurate, we would expect a notable differences in assessment. Plenty of evidence that humans will find many examples of any cause they expect to be happening. If you believe tripping and falling will cause rain, you will find many examples of it happening. Likewise, understanding the cumulative effects of many small biases is very difficult to measure or to see from the outside. This can lead many non-Blacks to dramatically discount what is in fact a very large effect.
But your ultimate conclusion that fighting injustice using a non-racial framing is the way forward. It is fighting fire with water. More importantly that fight can be more inclusive and thus garner greater support.