solutions? heh, that is for you to tell me. :-)
Let me just articulate what I see as a key part of the problem that you may not be addressing (yet).
As a non-LDS guy, I have been quite impressed by their (your) community-based approach to providing meaningful work to those who might not otherwise have it.
Humans need to perform work that both they and society value. Your #3 aims at a key need. I agree!
But your reach for centralization to acheve this I think is where socialism (in general) has lost out to capitalism. This needs fixing.
Notice how capitalism's distributed decison making works: It works even when 90% of humanity is wrong. Voting and consensus do not. Imagine the land is used to grow corn, but per acre, soybeans produce twice the food, but somehow the population is quite convinced that soybeans are NOT the way to go. so if we vote, it is CORN all the way!
But in a capital market, the 10% who see that soy is the way to go, well they do it. They earn more, get more investors and more loans, and buy more land. Very soon soy is everywhere. But notice, no big committee got together, no collective vote was won. The better use of land won out, DESPITE it being known to be the "wrong" approach. Impressive!
SO, we need to reward the creation and execution of purpose, but this needs to be done gorrilla style, WITHOUT and global vote or committee deciding the right way to go.
Maybe there are post-hoc ways of measuring that true purposefulness was acheived? Something akin to the capital market's method of determine fair price.