Thanks for taking a moment to respond here. I can tell it frustrates you, so I appreciate your civility.
I do have empathy for the many innocents living a life in an open prison and being killed too.
But celebrating bravery, courage and sacrifice will aim us all in the wrong direction. Israel as nukes, and advance tech sector capable of many weapons and a 1/2 TRILLION GDP, and many powerful countries (like the USA) that benefit from them.
Sadly they can go on crushing the Palestinians for 200 more years. No one is coming to their rescue. No Arab nation, and no others either. This is the brutal reality.
But Israel could not oppress a group that was not a threat. but it's not fair. That group would have to become a non-threat first.
I am not saying my path is a fair path. Just that it is the only path I can see. Can you see another realistic one?
even if it is unfair, wouldn't mine move things forward?