Philip, noting that oppression is the opposite of diversity is profound observation that I have never heard before. Cudos!
Equally I would say that tribe-power is also the opposite diversity (at least to those in favor). Further, amassing power (in one way or another) is a central mission for all humans from the most privileged to the most oppressed it so nearly universal that not doing this is practically a pathological.
Thus we should not be the slightest bit surprised to see politics and people arrayed against diversity efforts. We should PLAN for such action. Given this I have two observations:
-- Acceptance of DEI ideas by those who will loose power from them, only occur in periods of relative safety, so working against their safety is self defeating. It is only with them rather than against them the progress can be made.
-- Forcing diversity or DEI on a majority that does not believe in it, is equally self defeating. The more you succeed the more they will fight back. it is only when they believe in it, that one can use soft force to gain reluctant acceptance of ones objectives.
This points to a strategy: Avoid the use of federal legislation to force communities very far from DEI ideas to adopt. The backlash will be massive. And you will get Trump, over and over again.
And this is a needless failure. Logic and empathy do cause humanity to slowly shift towards ideas of tolerance and diversity. This is the path that wins. The only real progress is in the minds and hearts of people, and this is a fight that is being one. Indeed much of the backlash against left ideology is precisely because it IS winning. The minds of the younger generations are notably more inclined in this direction!!
But this election shows we can snap defeat from the jaws of victory.
For the first time the young swing decided AWAY from such ideas. Why? Fear that these ideas will upset the apple cart upon which they depend.
Take a lesson from Trump here: He totally de-fanged this issue of abortion rights, by simply declaring that he would do nothing at the Federal level on this issue.
Let the natural progression take it course. Some states will pass strong diversity laws while others will not until the Overton window has swung further even in their more conservative state. Sure this is not as fast as many might want, but it avoids the crushing setbacks that forcing morality on those who don't believe in that morality.
There are no shortcuts. The civil rights movement was able to make progress in the USA because so many believed in it. If they had not, it would have died just as laws against Alchol died. We can eventually have federal laws, but only once many states have already adopted similar laws.
Lead in the court of public opinion.
Lag in legislative mandate.
that is my thought.