Overall this war is a net-negative for America. Yes Russia is aggressive, and having a greater NATO reach will limit its future adventures in Europe. But most of Russia's future adventures are likely to be contained in Eastern Europe where America has fewer interests.
AND the huge challenge for the USA is the rise of China. This war forces Russia into an alliance with China on the most favorable terms to China. So China will have decades of cheap gas, minerals, ect. and a captive customer base. Great for China!
So no question it would be best for America is this war could be stopped, and I think this has been so painful for Russia, that it will limit future adventures for some years.
BUT I just don't get this talk about US recruits. Any plausible actions Russia takes will just draw in soldiers of other countries... not from the US.
Sure, in a medium hot war, I could imagine US troops supporting with heavy weapons, but it does not take that many troops to many hundreds of HIMARS, Patriots, etc. and to fly lots of jets.
And the US GDP is so much larger than Russia's, if we choose to continue to ramp up our balistic weapons to Ukraine we can do this with notable, but still modest cost to our GDP. Russia cannot match this.
So it is expensive, but Russia is eventually just overwhelmed on the front lines. Maybe $100-200B spent by the US, but it can do it, if it chooses to.
Meanwhile the actual challenge for the USA in the 21st century, just grows comparatively stronger.
So I don't buy your argument that Russia cannot be defeated, nor that it requires an expansion of US troops. Still I do think you could convincingly argue that none of this is in US interest, nor in Europe's interest.
p. s. and now you and I can have a little no-pay-out wager. I say the patriot system will be alive and well even after six months of use in the field.... here is the thing about these systems: THEY SHOOT DOWN MISSILES! I hear the Russians have not yet tagged even ONE of the HIMAR systems we have given Ukraine, and those systems are not capable of defending themselves. Imagine just how hard it will be to hit a patriot launcher! Sabatoge is always possible, and someone might leave the on-off switch in the wrong position, but in general I think they are EXTREMELY well defended, just by their nature..... you and I can check in again on July-4th :-)