Ok Joe, so I took the time to understand where your stance is coming from…. I think I see it best here in this article. (My context: I have a PhD in AI, and build robots… and I am from the RED-dyed-bone-deep state of Kentucky even as I live in SF now.)
Your basic premise that we will have enough for all to have all is spot on in a few decades. BUT Your Eden is going to take some extreme shifts of mindset to become real — woe is the period between.
The two bigger issues I see with it (for which I struggle w/o answer myself):
(1) Is life with all material things give for free really Eden w/o a purpose? And can folks really *invent* their own purpose when it is artifically imposed upon themselves?
(2) When AGI really shows up on the scene, I think will be a step function. I fear Kursweil dream of merging with our offspring is about as practical as birds being strapped onto the wings of jets in order to reap the benefits of both… laughable.
but hey, lets hope I am all wrong!
— dan
p.s. what kind of scientist?