Thanks for responding on this. I don't think I am brainwashed on the many issues you raised, I see merit in many of your points.
But they do not refute my point. I never said Israel is the only jailer for Gaza, I agree Egypt and Israel jointly keep Gaza bottled up. But noting that Gazan's are free since they have a border w/ Egypt is disingenuous. Most Gazan's have little freedom to leave Gaza, and their little patch of dirt has few natural resources (like water), so they are entirely at the mercy of their jailers for their very life.
And we must acknowledge that a Gazan father can reasonably expect their children to die in the same state they were born. None of your many references refute this reality.
I agree the Palestinian support of Hamas and its policies and actions only harms Palestinian interests. True.
And if I were an Israeli I would support blocking Hamas from any means to acquire weapons (which means curtailing many freedoms!). So I also understand the Israeli action here too.
the situation is predictable and sad.
I am not sure what you will think of it, but here is my thought for a way out: