My response was 1/2 tongue and cheek, I have no idea really your thoughts, so no real critique intended. But I did check, the word patriarchy did not show up anywhere in that article. It seems that one is yours.
If there is anything serious in my response it is just to notice that using a gendered word to refer to the concept of "unjustly wielded power" is exactly the kind of stereotyping that is often loudly protested by those who use the work.
I certainly would acknowledge that biological males have historically (and presently) had more power, thus more often were the ones unjustly wielding it. That is true. Still many males have not had power and some women have. Indeed the notion of power is really multi-faceted thus there are all kinds of unjustly wielded power. Giving it a gender is just the same as noting that Black murder more often than whites per capita, thus defining murder itself as "Black murder" blaming the ethnicity itself for an action that relates to but is not defined by it.
its just the kind of biased thinking that is correctly lamented as wrong.
All of us need to think about our thinking. for we are ALL dramatically biased.
still it is a reach for me to conclude anything real about you... my paragraph above is more about a way of thinking.
but I do agree with your statement: all humans should be treated as humans first.... even the male ones!