Much of your writings are a tad too one sided for my tastes. Still I have to give it to you:
You are right on this one, and quite nuanced in your analysis. This was a missed opportunity.
He could have spoken to the right. They are very much concered with rule of law, and the emerging picture is clear the Trump tried to end-run the court system. Even if you DO believe the election was stolen, you have to admit, fixing this by breaking election law is wrong and it destroys democracy.
We know Trump pressured Pence, we know he did not accept the rulings of the courts. These facts are accepted by Trump supporters. Those alone point to a president trying to hold on to power.
And I agree with you. most american would agree with Biden's framing of America. he needed to make this speech about that. He can speak to the left on a different day!
p.s. and for those who will attack me regarding my 'rule of law' comment above. please don't... its a long discussion, and I am not claiming they are more lawful or such.