Your prior post was not vacuous garbage, but this one is. It adds nothing to the discussion, and is disingenuous as well. Allow me to justify that:
- 1- There a no new facts presented or new lines of reasoning. Just a reference to yourself as an oracle on this subject.
- 2- You don’t actually believe what you claim. If you truly do, then you would gladly accept 2:1 odds where I put $2000 stake against your $1000 stake that by end of March Trump is removed.
This is simple bet. If you believe as you claim you would gladly accept it.
Rather you *wish* this were true. But you know you wont have 60 responses if you merely wrote that you wish it true.
CLICK BAIT! Pure and simple.
Medium needs a way to flag such crap, so I could simply filter based on others assessing it.
My challenge is a genuine one: If you want to put up $1000, we can find a third party to hold our money, until I win it from you.
— dan