Look there is a WAR going on over the definition of woman.
you could have just as easily said, it does not take way from women, all children under the age of 15 as 'women', they are smaller after all, and indeed in ancient texts a 'girl' did refer to both genders. its not like you are taking away anyones vagina, so it should be ok, right?
Expanding or shriking the set of people that qualify are BOTH changing the definition. And when you do that you ARE taking that definition away from those who want it, and giving them a different defintion they don't want.
I am not picking sides. ITS A WAR, and there will be a winner and a looser. As a betting person, I would put my money on the definition you favor, as being the winner in this war. But don't kid yourself, that is a REAL loss for a different way of thinking.