Its not just a red herring. Present day double standard and open racism against whites IS an ACTUAL injustice. And the unfairness of it, DOES inflame those who support Trump. (FYI. I am ADAMANTLY against Trump)
I AM NOT BLAMING THE VICTIM. I agree there are many much more massive injustices in the past and present that are still inflicted upon BIPOC. I agree with that, and they don't, or they downplay the significance of this.
Still as my mamma used to say ``two wrongs don't make a right'' One simply cannot excuse unjust behavior because of some other unjust behavior. At an ethical level that is wrong. And at a pragmatic level is helps to create Trump.
The left needs to accept that racism against whites is an ugly evil. Admittedly it is a far far less ugly evil than past and present transgressions against BIPOC, but that is a terrible and inadequate defense of an evil action. an evil action. An evil that really has dramatically helped to propel Trump. (I know from where I speak, I grew up in a very red state, and I debate Trumpers all the time... they are not at a distance, I have listed to a people I know well for many hours, I understand them far better than nearly all I meet also on the left with me.)