It is a rare population that willingly looks upon its own sins. I don't notice this fact as a means of excusing America's lack of ownership of this great sin. But I do notice how hard it will be for America to do so.
Germany has done this after WWII, but they had their faces rubbed in it, by a victorious and controlling power after the war. We have no such controlling force.
you noted that the aim is often not to deny AA greatness, but to white wash American sin. I think this is exactly right. There is much effort to dodge ownership of the sin.
but I notice there are two "camps" the American is great camp that wants to hide all of this, and the America is crap that never wants to acknowledge any greatness without finishing that sentence with some reason why such greatness is not so great after all, or should be discounted. Neither camp can be heard by the other.
Moving the overton window on this issue will require pro-American voices who say many positive things about America (without caveats), also say brutally negative things (also without caveats).
The real truth is that America does have many things to be proud of. And many to be ashamed of. Both should be expressed fully and without softening with valid counter points. Each truth should be spoken and owned.
A great nation owns its sins fully. and basks in its greatness full too. I believe one can have both.
And I think it will ONLY be a person speaking both that will move the America is great camp towards any such acknowledgements.
I am heartened by Germany. This is a nation that clearly has pride. yet it also OWNS its past too.