Indeed, I think it will make conflict less likely.
It will be much less bloody, and very occasionally it will be very very bloody.
I think it will be like air-superiority is today... to a simple approximation one nation achieves this while the other cannot. And before the conflict even begins both sides know which one that will be.
But with AI bots they will be all over the place and intelligent enough to operate semi-autonomously.
So the loosing side can be herded like cattle (or slaughtered like them) with impunity.
No side that can win would ever not spend the capital needed to win once challenged since that would encourage others it could beat from "daring" them in the same way. Thus only suicidal zealots will start wars, since they will know from the start that it will end with themselves being at the mercy of their opponents for their very lives. while the other side looses nothing but capital. (which it can recoup by selling your assets (unless you have none.)
but I agree, I bet it will be many fewer wars.