I think you are right. Post WWII was an anomaly, like the Norwegian oil of today. So agreed.
Still my PhD is in AI, and I have started more than one robotics companies, and I can tell you what it about to come will have no precedent. We are a generation away from obliterating the “work for a living” model. Stuff that will have large value will ONLY be IP (intellectual property) and capital itself. And IP is infinitely replicable. Paralegals, low-level programmers, logistics, office administration, manufacturing, distribution/sales is all (mostly) better done by machine. In the 70s, 75% of every dollar was spent on labor. In 2050 I predict <20% maybe <5% will be spent on labor. Most humans will have zero economic value. the number of needed slots will be a sliver of humanity, and what value is second best, when I only have one role to fill? zero.
I dunno what the fuck we are gonna do then. but it wont be what we do today.