I happened upon this page by reading a THREE-PAGE response to a response to someone else's article that included references!! Oh you are SUCH a PhD (I have one too :-) ).
I lament the fact that your treatise only has 107 claps after a month... almost no one read it.
You chart something of a middle path here. Acknowledging damage done to Blacks while also noticing the part that all are playing in the creation of that damage.
But it seems all of this good effort on your part does not yield results. I feel this message needs to be dramatically simplified... but then still backed up with studies and such.
Do you have references that did quantitiative analysis to back up the qualitative descriptions you provided for officers that were killed?
One thought on the question of easing police tactics and "defunding" in general: There is such strong antipathy between Blacks and the police, it seems there COULD be real value in creating a new kind of first responder that was beholden specifically to that community. Perhaps there would be more trust. As long as we charged them with keeping the peace however it was done, it might result in a less charged situation.
Still maybe more of them would get killed... hard to say, but even if that were true it might well be better for society overall. Being policed by your enemy is no way to live -- yet this is the perception of the Black community.
Undeniably many firemen would still be alive today if we simply precluded them from ever entering a burning building. Maximizing life is not the only measure.