I am not a VC so I don’t have a horse in this race, but it seems to me this article unfairly paints this male dominated group with bias.
VCs fund things that are going to make money. and if the risks are high, and timeline is long, then it better make LOTS and LOTS of money. Well getting a class II FDA product approved definitely fits this category of a risky, long bet. Couple this with a 600 pound gorilla competitor that will definitely follow your class II approval with a much faster/cheaper approval of their competing product, and add to that, the fact that many of these companies are going belly up.
Yeah it seems you have made some very good arguments that these VCs made a call that is not gender biased, but is simply following their risk model.
But most reading this piece (including the other commenter) will see this as yet another case of gender bias. As I read it, this is another case of seeing what one expects to see.