huh, I see the direction of your direction. Let me challenge it a bit. Presently the cost of matching the 250EH of BTC is about $5B USD at current mining rig prices of $20/TH. This is well out of range for any any but the most wealthy individuals. But it is well in range of any large nation state. There is no way nation states could replace gold with BTC in anything like its present form. No chain today is safe from a determined large nation state. I think the system that will eventually be uncernsorable will be one whose governance is strongly mediated by the holders of the coin. Specifically the governance of who can be a validator.
It is critical that it requires a significant majority of current coin holders to veto a validators, and otherwise being a validator is open. This kind of a system could not be attacked by even the strongest nation state as long as a minority of non-aligned coin holders remained against it.
This could be done via a POW or POS.... though if one is committing to enough governance to veto a validator, you probably might as well shoot for a POS system.
But my core challenge is that BTC could not handle being the world's reserve currency. If it were, then one could probably arrange to make $100B or more, by attacking the network. Sure as the net grows in value, it will also grow in difficulty to attack. But today most of the $1B annually paid to miners to secure BTC .... is fees provided thru inflation of the total BTC in circulation. That will not remain enough money to secure against a nation state.
What do you think?