Great article overall. A line must be drawn!
Buried in it you make the clear claim that Musk is an antisemitic. Not that he is a ruthless businessman will little care for Jews or other groups. Antisemitic means something more, it means an active antipathy towards a group.
I am not saying this charge is in accurate. But it is a LARGE charge. If one is to levy it, then it is incumbent on oneself to support it clearly. We need to find cases where he took action/words against Jews that were (1) clearly not true/accurate, (2) were not in his financial interest.
If he is just acting in his financial interest with no care nor antipathy towards Jews, Muslims or others, then we can levy many adjectives is way, but Antisemitic is not one of them.
I know from observation that you do not respond to comments on medium, but perhaps one of your readers can enlighten me. I am interested to see the evidence on this score....