Dillon despite the harsh words thrown at you here, I commend your attempts a finding a path forward, cudos.
I would really love to get your thoughts on my take on a path forward. I include a link at the bottom.
For me the problem I see is that Israel will never move forward on a plan that involve significant security risk for Israel. And in this next generation at least, even if Hamas is gone, there is no way Israel can allow significant freedom to Gaza w/o incurring significant risk (e. g. virtual certainty) that some groups will use Iranian money to blow big holes in Israel. Real statehood is a non-starter. I think it is all just posturing.
My alternative is not loved by either Palestinian nor Israeli, but I see it as the only path I can imagine that Israel might follow (which pressure from outside).
I feel you think pretty clearly about this issues, so I would love to know what you think: