CLICK! I get it. The GINI is computed specifically on THEIR employees, so they could make significant since they can change their cost structures.
Not sure what I think of this, I think the main thing it would do, would be to put a HUGE downward pressure on CEO salaries. After all if the company can get $9 guys to do the same work as a $15. the board of directors are going to say…. screw that, lets just pay the CEO less and executives less.
Indeed it would create a new class of corp management companies…. there would be massive pressure to divest of any positions that require a low or high pay relative to the mean pay of your company.
One company would have a very tiny management structure and many many $9/hr workers. They would be hired by the old walmart to run their stores.
The old walmart now has a much better GINI since they dont have any workers in this lower class, meanwhile the new co also has an amazing GINI, near 100, since all of its workers earn $9/hr.
yeah, that does not seem to be the intent here.
— d