All of your 'truths' seem at least somewhat plausible to me.
But I don't think the USA is "pulling one over" on Ukraine. I think the Ukrainian leaders and people want to use these motivations of the USA to get arms from us.
Not that we need to debate it, but a counter point is that China, not Russia, is the real adversary for the USA now. And pushing Russia to provide China with cheap fuel and great relations is not helping that situation at all. So in service of hegemony it is much better for Russia to economically be tied to the EU not China.
all of this is besides the point:
The core truth here is that presently the Ukrainians are ready to die in large numbers to protect their lands. this truth was not engineered by the USA.
(I am fine casting shade on the US, when it is deserved, but I dont think your accusations to trickery are justified.)