all of those old farts are spending $$ which pays for the jobs at employ the young. I think it is good to have a period of non-work at the end, and to have the $$ to do it comfortably.
you can even think of it as YOUR yonger years are paying for your ease in your older years. Being obligated right up to the grave is not how I would choose to allocate my life, if I were voting. As you point out, in the good old days you retired because you were just wore out, and you had a few years to relax (in the worst health of your life) before you died.
I'm votin' for some selfish time! (and I know it will lower my standard of living until that time, but we are already SO rediculously wealthy in the USA. The middle class can own the same phone that a billionare owns. We mostly have food and shelter.... give us more TIME, not more MONEY.)