A question to your readers, then article comment below:
I hear about the damage of incarceration.... So what would happen, if instead of incarceration we used ankle bracelets? with GPS one could have routes along highways where you spent hours cleaning the road. or a requirement that you spend a day doing menial work plus vocational training in local businesses, or going to get online training. This would not work for violent criminals, but for the vast majority it seems it could be a strong deterrent to crime and not put guys into systems that train them for crime. could this help???
If we take many of the points made at face value they do explain why there would be more "eligible" women than men (e.g. not in jail and having a good job)
My experience as a white guy in NYC where there are more eligible women than men seems relevant: That slight imbalance led to a pretty large change in behavior. One of my friends once described it as guys are "in the candy store" with many women who are pretty willing to go out, and have relatively low expectations for what that requires. My limited experience with a few church going, well paid single black men is that they were in a candy store much larger than the little NYC corner shop for white guys. And behavior seem to match that.
I am not blaming any group with this analysis. it just seemed like it was the dynamic that was at play.