A frost scholar! Well I am secretly relieved to hear it. All I could think is WOW, I could never pull that insight out of one or ten readings of the poem!
As I read the poem with this framing, it seems to me the Frost is simultaneously saying that the path you take DOES change everything. Yet paradoxically they lay equally before you today. Meaning that at this moment there is no basis for choosing one over the other.
I am reminded of a crossroad where I precipitously needed to choose between two thesis advisors. In discussion, one of them told me: This choice will change literally everything about your career and your life, but you cannot really see any of that now… so just choose, and then decide that whichever choice you made was the right one.
This entire concept was completely beyond me to execute at the time, or even now? Indeed I really could not accept its truth; I stared bloodshot in the eyes as far as I could see into the mist, and then FRETTED. I think I will ask him now if he was intentionally referencing Frost, his message was so dead on! … and he is exactly that kind of guy.
… a Frost scholar as a mentor … cool…